Your AIswing coach



Stop guessing and start measuring

Our AI powered swing analysis tool tracks your body motion in 3D space, so you can analyze your swing patterns and improve your game. And the best thing is: You can do all of this with your phone.

Simply upload a video of your swing
And get a 3D analysis of your swing in just a few minutes

Hit it straighter

Many amateurs struggle with slicing the ball, which can be the result of swinging over the top. Track your transition to hit straight consistently.

Hit it longer

Most professional golfers have a backswing that is around three times longer than their downswing. Track your tempo to improve your ball striking and hit it further.

Always hit the flag

Train your distance control by tracking your swing length to swing more consistently and always hit your target.

Force plates in your pocket

Figure out how your weight is distributed during your swing to improve your stability, ball striking and efficiently use your body to hit the ball further. No need for expensive equipment, just your phone.

For Experts

Look at the raw data of your swing to analyze it in detail and get the most out of your practice sessions. Unleash your inner golf nerd.

Ready to improve your game?